I also love to give things & buy things that are not the "norm". If I want to give a picture frame then I want it to be completely different from anything I would expect to find in someone else's home. "Dare to be different".

This is another one of my favorite frames. If you really think about the saying.. Live well. Laugh Often. Love Much.... isn't that what life is really all about? What a perfect frame, not to mention that black is always a great accent color.
Another wonderful frame. This will be the next frame that I purchase for myself. I will place a photo of my 2 year old Braxton in it. Braxton is a wild child of sorts & not a child who welcomes lots of kisses & hugs. Most nights after I put Braxton to sleep I will snuggle with him in my bed & over a series of time place several loving kisses on his cheek. It is a time I treasure & this frame could not be more perfect to remember those times of stolen kisses from my sleeping baby. Okay, I need a tissue.